
Here we go again: anti-breastfeeding article

Well I consider it to be an anti-breastfeeding article.  It came out in the Chicago Tribune today, titled: 

Has breastfeeding been oversold?

Give me a break.  So one mom has some difficulty breastfeeding, can't do it and then decides it's not that great anyway?

Articles like this make me want to smack my head against my desk.  Repeatedly.  Don't want to breastfeed? Fine.  Can't breastfeed? Fine.

But don't you dare tell me breastfeeding has very little benefits.  

One quote from the article: "My biggest concern is that we have blown infant feeding completely out proportion to its actual importance in babies' lives," Wolf says. (some professor who wrote: "Is Breast Best")

She sounds like a gem.

Vomit.  Vomit.  Vomit.


Here's the article: 

Edit: My stupid browser won't let me make the link click-able.  sorry.




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