3rd Trimester

What a night and day....:(

I don?t even know where to begin. Ended up in the L/D triage last night. I had not been feeling well for a  few days and went in to get checked out. Ended up having to get two shots to stop my contractions while I was there...:( and got home about midnight last night. This morning I had my regular 30W appt and dr checked my cervix and it was closed so that was good news. Had an appt later with @ the perinatal for GD counseling and to learn how to do testing, etc. Had a growth ultrasound there and LO is measuring @ 3.7 lbs, however they found several issues, One is that my AF is low, measuring @ only 8.7 so I have to go back next week for another test and they also found out that I have a Succenturiate Lobe. So lots more fluids, a diet change and unknown for the SL issue...anything else? ugh


* also posted on the HR board and Feb 2013 moms

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