
How do I choose a pedi?

LO's old pedi recommended I put karo syrup in DS's bottles for up to a week (they wanted me to pump only, not nurse) because he hadn't had a BM in 10 days (which I now know can be absolutely normal). They also wouldn't treat DS for thrush when I was diagnosed with it - and wouldn't give me any recommendations for over the counter, home remedies, either. So, I ended up asking a lot of people for recommendations on pedis.  The one I really want to go to is just too far from home and work. So, I went with the next top recommended practice.  DS had his 4 month appt on Monday.  The pedi we saw recommended giving DS rice cereal BY 5 months old for the iron content.  (This is a separate post below). I don't agree with this and feel like I've made a bad choice. How do I find a doctor that is "in line" with my beliefs/feelings on things. I've heard of interviewing doctors, but I don't think that's common practice here. In fact, before I switched to this new doctor, I asked them about the karo syrup and thrush issues and was told that they can't tell me what they would have recommended or done for my LO's unless they were patients and had been seen. 

How did you choose your LO's pedi? I realize that I may not find a doctor that I agree with 100% on everything, but this first visit didn't ease my mind about changing doctors.  I want to figure this out sooner than later since DS is 4 mos old and EBF.

Should I call the practice we just moved to and ask them if there is a doctor there that deals more closely with breastfeeding mothers??

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