
How much is enough for freezer stash?

I EP and produce quite a bit more than DS2 eats in a day (anywhere between 4 and 8 oz on top of what he eats in a given day), so I've been stashing away milk for about 6 weeks now.  I have 150oz in my freezer stash.

Need opinions--how much do you think is "enough" for a freezer stash?  I'd like to start dropping a pump session sometime (I still pump every 3 hours around the clock), but I'm afraid my supply might plummet & I'll have to dip into my stash.

Wow...this kind of makes me sound like a milk hoarder, but I worked hard for all that!

So what do you think?  What's your freezer stash at?  At what point did you say "hey, that's plenty"?

If you EP & dropped a session (or sessions), did your supply tank or were you still able to produce plenty?


Dairy and Soy Free EPing, CDing, SAHM to 2 boys
DS1 11.28.09
DS2 08.11.12
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