Pregnant after IF

Starting up excercising again

I did my first IVF in Sept. and then right away moved onto a FET in late Oct. early Nov. So I really have not been in the best exercise routine since August, I used to go to the gym on a regular basis before all my IF treatments and then due to all my growing follicles and all the medications and needing rest for what I was putting my body through I really stopped going. Then once I found out I was pregnant I was scared to exercise until I got the okay from my RE, which came at wk 8, he let me know I was okay to do around 20 min a day and keep my HR below 140.

 So, this week I started walking on the treadmill and the elliptical for 20-30 min a day and has it ever made a wonderful difference in my pregnancy. I have MUCH more energy, I am not as constipated and overall I just feel better. 

I am just wondering how others have incorporated exercise into their pregnancy and what they are doing, how much you are doing, and how active you were before? I also put on weight going through IVF so when I was first weighed at my OB appt. I was really taken aback by the number, so I am hoping exercise will help keep my weight in check through this pregnancy.

BabyFruit Ticker Me (30) DH (31)
Been with DH for 6 years
Married 6/11
Began TTC 8/11
5/12 DH DX with MFI - low everything
6/12 Met with RE and Urologist - Unexplained MFI
8/12 Began 1st IVF/ICSI
9/2/12 ER - 25 eggs, 4 frosties, 2 transferred
9/10/12 Beta #1 = 4, 9/12/2012 Beta #2 - 8, Beta #3 - 5 = Chemical Pregnancy - BFN
10/12 moving on with FET
11/1/12 - Embryo Transfer (2 embies transferred)
11/12/12 (11 dpt) Beta #1 - 674 - BFP
11/14/12 (13 dpt) Beta #2 - 1699
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