
Going on day 8 of a clogged duct - frustration overload!

Anyone else had a CD this long or longer?  This is my 2nd one - but the other one cleared up in a day.  I am doing what needs to be done - but it won't go way.  

OB put me on antibios 2 days ago as a pre-emtive.  I thought maybe it would clear up the CD..but no its still here!

I was really frustrated and hit a wall a couple times this week.  But now I figure it will go away eventually right? As a EPer (LO won't latch) it has really impacted my BM production to were I am having to combo formula & BM.  Used to get 2 oz out but now only 1/2 oz if lucky on CD breast.  

Plus, tomorrow I go in for gallbladder surgery.  Wish me luck :) Maybe the surgeon can clear out  the CD while he's at it LOL.. 

End rant... 

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