3rd Trimester

Ultrasound update! Dear Lord!

So Had my Third Tri ultrasound today. LO is still a boy, and looks like his brother already. It was so cute. He kept smiling and moving his head all around. He is measuring ahead, ranging from 2 weeks to nearly 4. My OB was not in today, so she will have to review it and decide if she wants to change the due date. What got us is when the tech was estimating his weight we just about fell over. He is measuring at 4lbs 8oz!! Meaning he could be over 9 lbs if he is born at 40 weeks and gains the half pound a week. DS was estimated to be 8 and a half pounds, he came 2 weeks early at 7 and a half. SO's resposne to LO weight was that I will probably need an epidural this time. LOL. But LO has chubby cheeks already, just like his brother did. I am getting so excited!
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