
If one more person . . .

If one more person tells me that I NEED to give DS cereal in his nighttime bottles, I am going to go crazy. He is 3 1/2 months olds and doesn't NEED anything except BM. I try to explain that 1. Cereal doesn't really have any nutritional value and 2. He doesn't get bottles at night. People look at me like I'm nuts for not giving DS a night bottle. One woman actually said, "But with breastfeeding, don't you still have to pump and then put it in bottles?" I was like, if I'm home, I nurse my son. Apparently she thought the only way to breastfeed was always to pump. Yeah, since the beginning of time, that's the only way people fed their babies. Cave people and Neanderthals had electric breast pumps.

I am so frustrated with everyone's lack of knowledge or misinformation about breastfeeding. 

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