
Milk Free

DS has been having blood in his stool (sometimes bright red, sometimes more brownish/red) since Monday. He also has eczema. When we saw our pedi yesterday she examined him for a rectal fissure and was unable to see one. She suggested waiting a day or two to see if bleeding stops, which would indicate a fissure higher up that she might not be able to see. If it doesn't clear up, she recommending going milk free because this could be a milk protein allergy and he might have milk protein colitis. I'm fully committed to going milk free and I realize how difficult this is going to be. Luckily DH is going to try it as well and I'll have a lot of support from other family and friends. I've already checked out and a couple of other reputable sources. I'm just feeling very guilty that something that I'm ingesting is making my little guy sick. Luckily he is pretty much happy and is putting on weight appropriately. I guess I just needed to vent. Anyone else going milk free? Any success with your little one's symptoms? Thanks!
TTC #1 since 05/09
Me: Oligomenorrhea (workup for PCOS turned out to be negative)
DH: 1st SA 11/09: good volume but only 20% normal

Cycle #1: Clomid 50mg=No O
1/10 2nd SA (this time at the fertility clinic): PERFECT!!!
1/10 My Tests: HSG All clear! B/W is normal!
2/10 Started Acupuncture

Cycle #2: 100 mg Clomid CD4-CD8 trigger TI Progesterone=BFN
Cycle #3: 100 mg Clomid CD3-CD7 trigger TI Progesterone=BFP!
Beta 1=144 Beta 2=359 Beta 3=637

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