
3.5 month old sleeping through the night


I have a 3.5 month that I'm EB. I had been demand feeding with no real schedule with the exception of a bedtime routine around 730pm. She usually woke up 2-3 tmes per night (about every 3-5 hrs) to eat and then would go right back to sleep until about 9am. She got in the routine of not wanting to take naps during the day and only napping for 5-20 minutes a few times/day. After reading posts on here, many people said sleep issues may be related to sleeping too late and they had success with waking their babies up earlier like around 7am. So last week I gave it a try, I kept the bedtime routine the same, woke her up every morning at 7 and it worked, she now takes 1-1.5 hr long naps a few times/day but is now also sleeping 8-9 hrs straight at night (from 8pm-530am-ish), then eating and going back to bed until 7am- and she has been doing this every night for a week! Although I'm grateful for the extra sleep, now I'm worried that my milk supply might diminish. I've woken up a couple nights and pumped because I was so engorged but should I be waking up to pump every night? Or is this too long for a baby her age to go without eating? Should I wake her up in the night to eat? I have a baby scale and she has still been gaining weight ( about an oz or so a day). Thanks!

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