
Breastfeeding after 10 months

I am breastfeeding my 9.5 month old three times a day.  When I am at work he gets an 8 oz. bottle in the afternoon and I nurse him once in the morning and once at night, so I am guessing that he's getting about 24 ounces of breastmilk every day.  He also gets three solid meals a day with water, plus snacks.  My pediatrician said that starting at 10 months, I should cut out one breastmilk feeding.  Is this what other people are doing?  If I do this, should I continue to pump while I am work to maintain my supply?  I am afraid that if I only nurse once in the morning and once at night, I will lose my supply.  My goal is to breastfeed until he is a year old. 

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