
Question re pumping at night

Hi Ladies,

I am hoping to hear some opinions about overnight pumping. My son is now 6.5 months old and EBF. My breastfeeding goal was 6 months (I will go as long as I can, I just told myself that I wasn't going to feel bad about if I wasn't able to keep it up after 6 months based on work, other factors, ect) and I worked really hard to make it here. Anyway, since my son started STTN, I have been waking up twice a night to pump so I could keep my supply up. Now that I've reached my goal, I wanted to try to see if I could  ease up on the night time wake ups since I would LOVE to finally get more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep. It's tough waking up to pump while the whole rest of the family is cozy and sleeping soundly. :)

 Anyway, my point is: do any of you ladies not pump at night? Do you notice a significant drop in your supply when you stopped feeding or pumping overnight? I am worried that if I stop pumping overnight I will drop my supply or stop producing (I am very good at pumping while at work to keep it up). What are your thoughts?


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