
Another Paranoid BF'ing/Pump Q: small LO not eating enough?

XP to July '12

I am once again freaking out that DD is not getting enough to eat.  At her 4 month appointment she was only 10lb 14oz.  Our home scale in the bathroom puts her now at 11.7lbs.  She is too small; I don't want her to fall off the charts.

I BF her at least 5x/day.  She gets 1 bottle before bed at 4oz if its a regular feeding time, and maybe 2.5oz if she was fed like an hour before.  We do not have reflux or spit-up problems and DD is not eating solids.

Yesterday she had to get a bottle in place of a BF while I worked.  I pumped right before her bottle and barely got 3oz out.

My question is: does this mean that DD is only getting 3oz of milk when she BFs? She eats a total of 6x/day (every 2.5hrs), and the morning & evening feedings are pretty good.  I'm worried I only have 3oz to give her during the day and thus she is waaay under the needed amount of milk.

Ease my mind if you can, or else I'm calling the pedi :(


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