
How much spitting up is too much?

I know a lot of websites say that the amount baby is spitting up looks like more than it actually is, but I'm really starting to question whether or not we're crossing the line into too much spitting up here...

LO is 17 days old, no issues with BF so far (other than her losing weight at the beginning because my milk didn't come in til day 4).  The last few days it seems like we've had much more spitting than usual - to the point where I'm wondering how there could possibly be anything left inside her belly!  She hasn't had any changes in wet/dirty diapers.  She won't be officially weighed again until January 7th (which is her 1 month pedi appt) - but I do hop on and off the scale with/without her (every few days) just to keep a guesstimate on her weight. 

As long as she still has plenty of wet/dirty diapers and is gaining weight, do I just consider this business as usual?  Do I need to call the pedi if it gets to a certain point?  I'm looking at kellymom and other websites scaring myself with information on food sensitivities and pyloric stenosis... Ugh I hate google and all of its information :(

Anything I can do to keep the spitting to a minimum?  I'm trying to burp her every 5-10 min in case she's eating too quickly... Also trying to keep her upright/reclined after eating.  TIA for any help! 

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