
Solids & dropping nursing sessions

When I am at home, I have always fed on demand - and now we just offer solids twice a day in addition to that.

I usually feed her in the mornings - 7am and sometimes 8:30ish, but that second one was always more of a snack and has now been replaced by breakfast (yogurt or baby oatmeal and fruit) - for the past 3 weeks.

3 5oz bottles at daycare - 9, 12, 3.

Then she used to demand a feeding around 5:30-6 - I was always thrilled when she waited to demand it for me to get home or DH could make her wait - and then we'd do dinner with solids at 6:30 - for the past two months we've been offering solids at dinner.  Then a feeding at 7:30 before bed, and 1-2 nursing sessions overnight.

The past two nights, she's shown no interest in nursing before dinner - and today DH offered her a bottle at 5ish and she didn't drink much of it.  She's still only eating twice at night (though we've been doing a dream feed at 10 since she had been waking at 12, and then around 3ish). 

 Should I follow her cues and let her drop the before dinner nursing session? Try to BF her and do solids at night and hope she sleeps more at night because of it?

She only eats 4oz/day of solids max and usually doesn't eat all of what we offer.  I'm hesitant to drop nursing sessions b/c of past weight gain issues.

 I'm over thinking all of this, right?

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
? BFP 11/20/10 hb 12/14/10 natural m/c 12/25/10 at 8w3d ?

? BFP 9/18/11 DD born 5/17/12 at 38w3d ?

Fateful appt. 2/11: Saline sono - polyp; thyroid nodule; mycoplasma/ureaplasma STD found & treated ? 3/17/11: Hysteroscopy to remove polyp ? Total thyroidectomy (papillary carcinoma) 4/4/11; RAI 5/9/11
Cancer killed! 5/19/11
Medical green-light to TTC 8/15/11..BFP 9/18/11! <a href=" images/?action=view
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