
Is DS over eating??

Each day, DS gets 3 bottles at daycare and nurses 3 times at home. At twelve weeks old, I was sending 3 x 4oz bottles. After a week or so, daycare told me he was frustrated with m the slow flow nipple, so I started using he medium flow to see how it went. After about another week, they told me he was crying after eating. I didn't want to send 3 x 5oz bottles, so I sent 1 x 5oz bottle and 2 x 4.5oz bottles. Now at 4 mos old, they are telling me he sometimes cries after the 4.5 oz bottles. DS is a bigger boy at 15 lbs, 14 oz, but I'm afraid he's being overfed. I say this because he guzzles his bottles in 510 mins because of the medium flow nipples. However, he has never really spit up a lot. He has only spit up here and there and never a lot at one time, even at daycare.
How unusual is it for a 4 month old to eat 3 x 5oz bottles? He is at daycare from 7:30 until 5:00. He usually nurses at 6:30, bottle about 10:00, 1:30, and 4:30 and then nurses about 6:30 before bed at 7:00. He also has a feeding around 3:30am.
Anyone else's 4 month old take 5oz bottles?
Edit: I also wanted to add that he will sometimes take his third bottle as late as 5:00 and then an hour and a half later still nurse before bedtime with lots of swallowing, so I know he's eating. What?!
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