Single Parents

Christmas Vent

My DS is 2 and all he asked for from Santa was a football helmet. He gets so excited and just keeps saying Santa's going to bring me a football hemlet. It's adorable. Anyways, 3 weeks ago when I dropped DS of his father's girlfriend told me that HER father had bought him a football helmet for Christmas. Ummmm ok?

I don't want to sound like a bit*h but I really hope that he doesn't give it to him before Christmas. That was the ONLY thing he asked for. And he is so excited about it. He is suppossed to be getting him on Saturday and I'm thinking of asking BD if he could ask his girlfriend's father to not give it to him til after Santa comes on Christmas.

I don't want to sound horrible but everytime he sees santa that's all he asks for. I want Santa to bring him his football helmet not BD's girlfriend's father.

Should I say something?

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