
Regret and weaning

Hi ladies!  I'm not on here often but could really use some support.  My son is 6 months old and on Friday was our last day of breastfeeding.  I decided to wean him for a number of reasons.  The main one being he was waking every 3 hours at night to eat and i couldnt break it.  I was exhausted and constantly getting sick.  I felt like I couldnt be the best mama bc I was never sleeping.  Plus I struggled for months for him to take a bottle and finally he did so I just went with it.  I thought I was making the best decision but now Im just an emotional mess.  I miss it so much and am regretting weaning.  Im not sure if this is a normal process but I am constantly crying.  Im hoping its the hormones.  If there are any other mamas with similar stories please let me know.  I feel guilty and I feel like I should have continued breastfeeding for much longer.
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