

I tend to call you out first because you're my MSPI guru Stick out tongue & your DD also has a sensitivity to lecithin & soybean oil like my DS does (I can't ever recall anyone else's SN if their LOs are super sensitive to lecithin & oil).

So anyway...DS just had a mucousy diaper tinged with blood.  Sad  He has been acting like his normal, happy, smiley's just been the diaper.

My question is this: how did you know your DD had a sensitivity (or is it an allergy??) to cashews?  Did the sensitivity manifest itself like MSPI did?  I've been eating a ton of almonds in the last 24 hours, but other than that my diet has stayed the same...

It's such a kick to the stomach when we have setback diapers like this. Sad

Dairy and Soy Free EPing, CDing, SAHM to 2 boys
DS1 11.28.09
DS2 08.11.12
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