
Breastfeeding at home but not pumping at work?

I'd like to spend less time at work pumping.  Its not pressure from by boss or coworkers, they are all men and yet have been very supportive.  I'm just sick of sitting in a closet in the basement with a shower curtain for a door :).  And yes that is the very best place without using my car. Its a small retail business and there are no other options.

My son is 6 months old and exclusively breastfeed. If I pump 3 times during the day I get 9-10 oz max.  I am home everyday until 11:30. If I pump once 5 hours after I get to work I get 6-7 ounces. I can then pump again right when I get home at 8:30 and get another 3 ounces and stilll be able to take care of my son when he wakes up the for first time between 10 and 11 (he goes to sleep at 7).  Even if he wakes up right away after I pump he seems satisfied since he can get so much more than I can pump. He is still up every 2 hours at night after the first wake-up and I nurse him all morning.  He's a snacker so its at least ever 2 hours if not more frequenty. So my question is if I go to the once a day pumping at work will this have negative effects on my supply because I am waiting to long between pumping sessions or can I do this and still keep up with LO's needs the rest of the time? Either way he's starting to need a little frozen milk during the day as he's finally okay with a bottle and taking in more than I pump.

My logic is that some people have the night off if their LO is STTN? So I can take a longer break during the day. Maybe this is wrong.

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