
Started pumping at work / baby pulling on and off when he nurses

I just went back to work last week and started my daytime pumping routine. I have always pumped in the morning after his first feeding to get a freezer stash, and now I am also pumping 3x a day at work, getting between 4-5 oz each time. I've only been leaving what I pump with his care provider so they don't overfeed him, and so far he's been fine with what I leave - no fussing after the bottle. I'm also nursing first thing when I get home, and right before he goes to bed.

My question is, last week LO seemed to be fine, but so far this week he's been a little more fussy than usual every time I feed him. He'll eat for a bit, and then starts pulling off as he gets toward the end of a feeding. I thought at first he was just done, but he'll pull off and then immediately latch himself back on - it's more like he wants to eat but the milk isn't there. If I just end the feeding he seems to be fine, but I have always been a little paranoid that I'm starving him, and in this instance I really am getting the sense he's not getting enough, or he wouldn't keep latching back on.

I don't think my supply is dropping due to the pumping, since my output has been really consistent so far (granted, I'm only 7 days in!). And he's 13.5 weeks old, so it doesn't seem consistent with a growth spurt. Did anyone else have a fussy baby after they started taking a bottle consistently? I'd love some tips or insight into what's going on.

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