Pregnant after IF

XP: Anyone a Fragile X premutation carrier?

I posted this on the Success After IF board, but didn't get a response so thought I would try here... 

I am a fragile x premtuation carrier which is what caused my DOR...this is closely associated with DOR and POF. The other day, I came across this interesting article/study:

A quote from the article reads: "Known associated with low FOR (functional ovarian reserve) at young age, het-norm/high, thus, appears to preserve FOR into older age, and both het sub-genotypes appear to expand female reproductive lifespan into opposite directions."

In plain English, I took from this article that being FX premutation carriers is associated with infertiliyt/subfertility at younger ages due to low AMH/high FSH, this mutation is also associated with having better fertility at older ages. I'm taking from this that maybe the DOR issue in Fragile X premutation carriers is an issue with the recruitiment of eggs (thus the low AMH/HIgh FSH) and perhaps not indicative of a true low ovarian otherwords the high number of repeats somehow inhibits our ability to recruit eggs so that we always recruit fewer eggs our entire life, but this, in turn, leads to actually having more eggs later in life.

I was wondering if anyone else had heard anything about this or knew anything about this. I would love to hear your thoughts or hear if your RE knows anything about this. I am not currently under the care of an RE, but when I was he seemed to know next to nothing about being a FX premutation carrier affected my fertility other than just to say it was probably what caused the DOR.

DX: DOR & Fragile X premutation carrier 2011: FSH 13.3 & E 99; AMH 0.54 2nd FSH 6.2 E 40's AFC: 8 BFP from Clomid/IUI ~ Pre-e and IUGR during pregnancy ~ LO born 9/4/12 Feb. 2013: AMH less than 0.16 (undectable) ~ FSH 6.8 (normal)
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