
Baby not drunk

My son is 19 days old and has been exclusively breastfeeding since birth.  He is eating every 1.5-3 hours during the day and every 3.5-5 hours at night.  We finally have a good handle on the latch and all is good. 

My question is this: he feeds quickly, 5-10 minutes at a time and I give him one breast at a feeding.  I understand that is okay, but what troubles me is that he doesn't really get "milk drunk" after he eats.  He gets drowsy for maybe a few minutes but as soon as I burp him or change him he is up again.  He seems content, but not "drunk" the way it seems everyone's babies get after nursing.  I usually have to put him to sleep after nursing rather than him just falling asleep at the breast. 

My breast feels full before and empty after, he is having good BMs and wet diapers, and gaining weight.  Does anyone else have a LO that doesn't get "drunk" on their milk?  Is this a less common normal? Or is it something I should bring up with the Pediatrician or LC?

Thanks for any advice!

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