
Antibotics and Steriod shot

Hi Everyone. I am a FTM and I am EBF my daughter who is five months. I went to the dermatologist today and she had to give me a corticosteroid shot for some inflamation and she also gave me a two week round of anitobitcs that were Bactrim. I made it perfectly clear that I was breastfeeding and she said both were fine but she didnt do a very convincing job of saying it.

I called the pharmacy and they said they thought both were fine given that DD was over 2 months old. I then called the pediatrician's office just to be on the safe side(I know I am a worrier) and she said she looked them up in a book and the Bactrim is showing as a leve 3 out of 5 as to avoid.

So I am wondering if anyone else has taken Bactrim while they have been breastfeeding or if there doctors told them anythig different. So now I am debating just giving DD frozen breast milk for the next two weeks just to be on the safe side. She currently takes three bottles at daycare but she loves to nurse as soon as I get her home from daycare and before bed it comforts her to fall right to sleep i think so I worry how it is going to be exclusively bottle feeding.

What is everyone else's experience or advice. As a FTM I appreciate any advice given :)

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