
babies 6 mo and over

Quick question and sorry if this has already been asked and answered...

For the babies on the first stage solids and nursing, if and when do you actually replace a nursing session with solids and how much? My LO is currently just getting solids added to his daily intake. I still nurse every 3-4 hours and then also give him solids twice a day. We just went to his 6 month appointment yesterday, he is growing wonderfully and when I brought this up to the doctor she was very nonchalant and just told me to watch his signs, if he isnt showing any signs of being more hungry during the day then stick to what I am doing. But then she gives me this Gerber chart that is for a Sitter; which my LO is...and it contradicted every thing she said. She did say that it's a little "heavy" but I could use it  and adjust to my liking. But this Gerber chart is saying to actually replace a bottle or breastmilk with solids for lunch. Anyway what are you nursing mommies doing? TIA

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