Single Parents

Question for single moms of boys.....

Or anyone that knows a resolution!

Sometimes I don't know what is normal boys fooling around and what is "picking on". There is a little boy at DS daycare that keeps picking on him. He yanks toys from him, while little man is playing with them and taps his head with some of the toys too. I fear that if I "coddle" him about this stuff then he will seem like a wussy, but at times I want to kick the other little boys teeth in.

My question.....what do you say to a 2 year old about this kind of behavior? First time little boy took DS toys I told E "Don't let so and so take your toys". Next day....boy bit him. At times like this I wish I knew how a male would react to this kind of stuff. Mama bear wants to just head down to the daycare and raise hell!

I don't want DS to be a pushover, but because I don't wrestle around with little man I sometimes feel like he might not be "tough" enough either. Advice??? Anyone???

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