
2 weeks old - BFing related to sleep cycles?

My LO seems to be sleeping in longer stretches during the day than she does during the night.  She typically eats every 2-3 hours during the day (she varies with time spent at the breast and whether or not she wants to eat on one or both sides).  At night, the pedi said we don't have to wake her anymore, but the LC cautioned me and said to wake her every 4-5 hours (we were waking every 2 hours around the clock during the first 7-10 days to get her back to birth weight).

So I've been setting my alarm every 4 hours at night, but it seems she rarely even makes it to two hours.  Why is she sleeping better during the day than at night?  If I wake her more often to eat during the day (say every 1.5 to 2 hours) and prevent the long sleep stretches, will that encourage her to sleep better at night?

I know she's only 2 weeks old and being awake around the clock just comes with the territory, I just don't want to be doing *nothing* about it if I can have a positive effect... And I miss my bed!  TIA ladies :) 

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