3rd Trimester

Hoping baby will stay put!

So two nights ago at 33 weeks, I ended up in L&D because I was dehydrated from a stomach virus and having lower back pain.  I had no idea I was in preterm labor!  When the doc checked my cervix, I was 75% effaced and 2 cm dilated. She said she could feel the baby's head when she checked my cervix. They put me on a mag drip (yuck!) and they gave me 2 steroid shots to help develop baby's lungs. They kept me for 2 nights because his heart rate was all over the place. I'm now home on bed rest for a few weeks. I'm just curious if anybody has had a similar situation as mine and how far into the pregnancy you made it! They kept hinting that baby may come very soon and that if he can just hold out a week that would be great because the steroids should have his lungs developed enough by then. I can feel him pressed up against by pelvic floor constantly
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