Pregnant after IF

Facebook knows!!!

Today I am 12w3d! I made a Christmas card announcement and sent it out Saturday! 

First, here is the pic I used in the card:image

and I wrote this in the card:

 Our christmas present came a little early this year! We are expecting a little miracle on June 28th

here is what I posted on Facebook after I started receiving texts: 

 As some of you open your christmas cards from me, you will notice a sweet message and a "love," at the end. You will notice its red and festive with a beautiful ornament to the side. You will see that I made your envelope with a little pizazz and I probably have carpal tunnel now. You will notice a picture to your left and it has a Santa hat on. And if you look very closely, you will see its a baby Santa. And if you look even more you will see that it's our baby due June 28th! Merry christmas to everyone! 


It feels so amazing to finally be "out" :) 

Age 27:Fragile X Carrier-causing infertility
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