3rd Trimester

XP: would you go ahead with an induction?

I am really torn about getting induced tomorrow. Here are my pros and cons:


- Baby was measuring 8lb13oz last Wednesday so the longer I wait, the bigger the baby. This could increase risk of c-section later with a massive baby.

- My doctor will be there. He is off Friday through Wednesday so I can't even get another check up for 9 days. 

- My blood pressure has been teetering on high and I am SUPER swollen. Doc is a little worried about these things.  

- Overall relief to be done!


- My cervix is not very favorable for induction, increasing the risk of it not being successful. Another risk of csection

-  Maybe baby isn't ready to come

I am leaning towards waiting, but I am torn! What would you do?

1 Baby Girl 12/28/12
2 Angel Babies 9/11, 2/12
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