Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Info about Signature Problems

Hey everyone! I've gotten a few messages from some of you about the issues we've been having with Signatures not updating. Most of you are seeing that the signatures will update in your home page, but then will not update in the actual forums. The Bump IT is aware of the problem and is working on it. We thought originally that it might have to do with certain browsers but thats not the case apparently. This is an on-going thing that Bump Liz is working on and has been updating the mods about. 
If you have a signature EMERGENCY, please send me a PM and I will get in touch with BL directly so she can fix it. A signature emergency  could be something a long the lines of someone stealing a photo from you and using it as their own, or if you have an miscarriage and want the tickers our of your signature. Hopefully no one has any of those situations come up, but if so please do not hesitate to message me about it. 
As I receive more info from Bump Liz, I will update here. Let me know if you have any questions. 
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