Pregnant after IF

Totally Bummed (NPAIF related)

I will start this post off with I have been sick since Wednesday and I am cranky.  Smile  Please forgive me ahead of time for acting like a brat.

My parents host Christmas every year including this year.  Their adult children - there are 3 of us plus our spouses - all bring items to holidays to make the burden of hosting easier.  Yesterday I asked my mom what I can bring.  I offered to make my grandmother's escarole soup (nom nom nom) which is time consuming but so worth it.  She finally respondes to me today saying, "dad says we aren't using the oven or stove this year for Christmas, so no soup, and nothing that would use the oven".  Indifferent  <-- PS that is me if you didn't know. 

I am so upset!  I think all of the holiday's are a special time to spend with your family and friends and I feel like having people over for a holiday requires umm, actual food?  I offered to host, got turned down, and now feeling bad because I told my mom that I think we should have legitimate food for Christmas.  Especially since there will be at least 12-14 adults attending.  I am making 2 trays of lasagna & my grandmother's soup to bring and am hoping my sister & brother step it up with a little something too.  Doesn't have to be anything fancy, but I guess hot food is just something I would think would be at any holiday when you have a number of people coming over to celebrate.  It just makes me sad.  My parents have done this my whole life - down played holiday's and their meaning which made it like every other day in our household.  It just makes me sad.

TTC since 4/2010 - Me: 29 DH: 29
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