3rd Trimester

Living with the boyfriend and his mother and her dogs :/

Alright, so somehow above all other worries, what gets me the most is that I don't know how I'm going to do this living with the mother in law. My boyfriend and I aren't exactly financially stable (as I'm the only one working atm) and so we cant live on our own. This means practically no space, as we are confined to his tiny room. He has managed to arrange everything to perfection, but space is the least of my problems with this situation.

First of all, the dogs. Don't even get me started on the dogs. There are five. Three of them are noisy chihuahuas that bark at absolutely everything. They belong to him mom and they piss everywhere. They typically don't come into our room, but when they do I know to look for a puddle. :/ Hate is a strong word, but I feel that way towards them most days. The biggest problem with the dogs (I mean the pee's huge, but that can be solved with a quick mop/wipe job) is the seemingly never ending fleas. We keep bathing the two larger ones but it just doesnt seem to be enough. And my boyfriend doesn't seem to want to believe that the fleas are the cause of all these bites, so he just keeps letting the dogs into the room.I don't know much about flea medication, but it seems expensive, and my pay hardly covers car insurance or food, non the less pet products for animals i don't even like having around.

 They're just both so stubborn. The dogs aren't going anywhere, I can just forget about that. But I have no idea on how to convince them to do something about the piss and fleas. It's just not sanitary. But the moment I say something they get all defensive, like I'm hurting their feelings, even though I really am genuinely concerned for our child's well-being. Especially since I'm always working, and cant deal with the situation all the time.  What on earth do I do?!

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