Dads & Dads-to-be

Sticking up for yourself as a 2-year old

Ok guys. This isn't a problem now, but I'm afraid it could be in the future and I'm not for sure what I'll do about it yet.

My wife stays at home so my son (23 months old) doesn't have exposure to the day care scene. We go to a class once a week and have play dates and he has cousins his age so he still has exposure to other kids.

My son likes sharing his toys and never takes toys from other kids. I think this is a good thing. The problem is he has no clue what to do when another kid takes one of his toys.

We went to look at the train exhibit this weekend and they had toy trains for kids. He was playing with a train and another kid his age took it away. My son just sat there with the saddest look on his face. He didn't know what to do. He was just trying very hard not to cry. His lip went out and tears started rolling down his cheeks though. The other dad finally noticed and he got his train back but he was still very sad.

I don't want my kid to hit, but he does need to stand up for himself. It doesn't help that he's not in these situations very often either. I'm more worried about it when he goes to school and a kid takes his toy and he cries instead of taking the toy back.

Are there any proactive steps I can take? Thanks guys.

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