Atlanta Babies

Christmas presents help

My girls are 10 and 4, and this is really the year that I'm struggling with presents.  Basically Tess is the target age for every single toy on the market.  She wants everything, preferably with a princess on it.  Easy Peasy.  Emma on the other hand, wants a golf cart.  That's it.  And her own xbox live account. 

There is about a less than 10% chance I'm going to be able to pull out a golf cart.  It's not completely off the table, but it is more likely that we are not getting one.  And I'm okay with that, I certainly don't feel like my kids have to get every single thing they ask for, and clearly a golf cart is $$$$.  But we have been thinking about getting one for a while so we are trying to see if we can pull something together. 

Anyway, even if we do get a golf cart, it will be a family present, not just Emma's.  I am really struggling with getting some gifts for her to balance out the things we've gotten Tess.  Emma is almost old enough to get the concept of money, and that if your presents cost more, you get fewer of them.  But, I still have to have something for her from us, and from Santa.  Got any great ideas?

So far I've gotten her a rock tumbler/polisher thing and a big bag of gemstones and minerals or whatever to go with that. 

And technically she's getting an ipad mini but that's only because we had a warranty on her ipod and someone bumped into her and she dropped the screen and it shattered.  When my husband took it to best buy to have it fixed, there was some kind of computer issue and they ended up giving us store credit instead of swapping it out and he decided to get the ipad mini for less than $100 out of pocket. 

And, I think I'm going to get her the Monster High Book.

Do y'all have any ideas or suggestions or ideas? She still believes in Santa, if that makes a difference. 

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