Single Parents

baby daddy emailed me today...

I'm 39 wks prego, & haven't heard from him in 6 months.. It was a huge surprise. 

Needless to say I have no idea how I should handle this situation.

background story- I dumped him before I knew I was pregnant & told him I never wanted to see or hear from him again- I had found out that everything he told me about his job, his living situation, his driving situation, pretty much his entire life was all lies. A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant & let him know & He agreed to meet up with me to talk about things, but no showed.. twice! at that point I decided forget him I  will do this on my own.

Well now that its getting down to the wire- Idk why- I emailed him last week telling him this baby is still on the way and I wanted to know what he planned on doing about it. (dumb of me, I think I should just let it be, right?)

I had emailed him before asking him to call me or reply and he ignored me.

This time he wrote back saying he hadn't emailed me because I told him I wanted him out of my life. I'm like really? you mean BEFORE I told you I was pregnant.. effing A Hole.. ignorant idiot.. Anyways..

I'm not sure what I wanted from him, I emailed him back asking him what he was going to do about this situation, if he had a job yet, and if he was still living off other ppl... I guess we will see what happens?

I dont want him involved at all really, or his family involved. I think they'd raise him to be a bad person. They are all bad people... I think they'd damage my kid. It would be nice to have child support but at the same time i dont want him to have any parental rights.

So what do I do about this? how Do I go about this? any help or suggestions would be great! thanks ladies


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