
Cleft and Breastfeeding Experiences

We have just discovered that our girls have cleft lips, and it's yet to be determined if they have cleft palates.  We should know more on that in 4-6 weeks.  

Do any of you ladies have experience with clefts?  Any breastfeeding success?

I'm trying to stay positive and still intending to breastfeed - or at the very least to bottle feed pumped milk.  I've also heard that some women have had success with supplemental feeders and their pumped milk.   

TTC #1 2+ Years with Unexplained IF
1st & Only BFP: 1st IVF w/ ICSI, 3dt of 2 7-cell, grade 2 embryos on 8/25/12
Beta #1 9/5: 87.2 BFP! - Beta #2 9/7: 248 - 1st US @ 6w3d Two Heartbeats! - MoDi Girls!
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