
Am I doing this right? Nursing a 1 week old

DS actually isn't even one week yet. He definitely has a tongue die and we're consulting a lactation consultant this week just to see if we need to get his frenulum clipped (which a couple of the docs at the hospital said he would need). His latch does seem great. I just can't tell how much he is getting. Today my milk started to come in so that's great. But he really only feeds on one boob and falls asleep. Won't even wake to offer the other breast. is this normal? If it is how does this fit into the 2 hour rule? Is it offer one breast and let him finish and then offer the other breast and if he doesn't accept do I just offer it two hours later?

He is jus ta very sleepy at the breast. I strip him, I tickle, I jiggle but he doesn't really wake up that easily.  

he was definitely dehydrated yesterday so we supplemented with pedialyte (as advised by a doctor) until we see his pedi and a lactation consultant next week.  

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