
Non-stop breastfeeding

My LO will be 3 weeks old on Monday.

Since weds night she has seemed to want to nurse non-stop.  Basically what happens is, she will nurse on one side for about 20-30 minutes (much more slow/comfort nursing toward the end), kind of fall asleep, I'll wake her up and switch her to the other side where she will do the same thing, ultimately nursing herself to sleep.  She will generally stay asleep in my arms.  If I wake her up at all - move her to a bouncer or swing or her napper, she wakes up almost immediately and begins crying.  She isn't consoled by anything (rocking, lullabies, a pacifier), until she is put back on my breast.  Then she will settle down again into the same cycle. 

I am exhausted from this, I dont know if it could possibly be reflux, or just a growth spurt, or what.

Any ideas?  Thank you!

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