
Really torn and need advice

LO is a few months old..i started off EBF but due issues became an exclusive pumper..been doing that for 6 weeksor so.  i was getting alot of milk (25-30ish oz day)  but i had a pump issue the other day so i couldnt pump for almost 24 hours.  i was in horrible pain and hand expressed some.   as soon as i got my hands on it wed AM i had a12 oz pump. the rest of the day was a decent amount but less than the usual.    i wasnt able to get to the pump as much though.  yesterday  i wasnt been able to pump as much as i do.. baby wont nap..very fussy..wants to be held.  and i pumped half of my normal amount.

i did my first pump this am and only got 3.. out of one.  the other  gave me nothing!. i havent pumped since then because i havent been able to due to LO.  its been 6 hours. 

i was going to start weaning, but not yet.  wanted to finish the month and maybe next.  i dont know if i should just start weaning now?  i have enough BM in the fridge and freezer to get baby used to formula.  i am also not feeling engorged.  i dont know if  i should try to get my supply up or accept that its over.  

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