
Nursing Strike/bottle over me

My daughter is BF evenings/overnight and given bottled EBM fed while I am at work.  About 2 weeks ago, when she is hungry, she started refusing the breast and crying.  If I fix a bottle, she will take that with no problem.  I can often get her to nurse after an ounce of bottled milk.  (I'm only having a problem when she is fully awake.  If I can nurse her as soon as she awakes from a nap, she will still nurse in the dark.)

 I've tried: nursing in the dark with no distractions, nipple shield, washing my nipple before offering it to her, spending time chest to chest to encourage feeding, using a faster bottle nipple (so she wouldn't like it, and prefer my flow), etc.  

Any suggestions I haven't tried? It is ridiculous to be pumping when I am at home with her!  Really feeling rejected..nursing is our special time together. :(

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