
milk supply after stomach flu

I had a terrible stomach bug on Tuesday, and ended up in the ER with an elevated heart rate and dehydration that night.  I was able to get some fluids in on Wednesday, and eat some foods yesterday, but my supply has definitely tanked.  My LO is about 2.5 months old.  I'm doing everything I can to bring it back (lots of pumping and nursing on demand, although I have to supplement her with my freezer stash, mothers milk tea, oatmeal, eating as much healthy food as I can stomach).  Has this happened to anyone else here?  How long did it take to come back?

 It's a little heartbreaking to come away from a pumping session with less than half what I used to get, and not be able to keep up with the baby's needs.   Any advice or similar experience stories would be appreciated!

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BFP #1 10/4/11, natural m/c 10/18/11 @6 weeks
BFP#2 1/16/2012, DD born 10/5/2012
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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