
Guilt over supplementing (long)

So. My LO's about five and a half months, but he dropped from 40th percentile in weight at his two month to 17th percentile at his four month, and attempts to increase my supply didn't work. It got to the point where he was gaining maybe an ounce a week. :(

So just before five months, our pedi told us to start supplementing with formula, which went terribly (I wouldn't drink formula after breastmilk either, ick), and then, a week later, she gave us the go ahead on cereal and told us to mix it with formula. (He'd been trying to eat everything off our plates anyway, so he was definitely developmentally ready.)

And it's worked splendidly. I still breastfeed four to six times a day, and he loves the cereal, and, after a week, he's gained a full eight ounces instead of one or two.

And on one hand, I'm thrilled because I was making myself sick worrying about his weight, but on the other hand, I really wanted to EBF to six months, and I never intended to ever give him formula, and I can't help but feel like there's something wrong with me. It doesn't help that my SIL and several friends have infants within a few weeks in age of him that outweigh him by three or four pounds. I don't understand why I couldn't provide enough for him.

And I know it's silly to be so upset when he's happy and healthy, but I just feel so guilty about the whole thing.

Thanks for getting through this, if you did. This has really been bothering me and I just wanted to get it out.

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