
EP twins need encouragement

I had a csection with my 36 week twins, and they will be 3 weeks tomorrow. Neither established a sustained suck and both lost more than 10 of their body weight before we left the hospital, so we started them on formula. I rented the Medela Symphony and started pumping in the hospital. I maxed out at an ounce and a half per session, went down to about a half ounce per session, started taking fenugreek and am back up to about an ounce.
I think about quitting every day. I can't stand the feeling or the look of the pump on my breasts, it feels like a violation somehow. I don't have any history of sexual assault or anything, so Im not sure why I feel that way, I just can't stand the thing. It also hurt badly at first. That part has gotten a little better, although when I've worn the hands free bustier it hurts alot. I think the flanges don't connect properly when I'm wearing the bustier.
I put the girls to the breast often, but they are actually worse at breastfeeding now that they get the bottle. I'm just so frustrated with spending so much time pumping to only be able to give them each one to two bottles a day of breastmilk. The worst is when I wake up for a night feeding, and they're both fed and back to sleep, and I have to sit at the stupid pump for 1520 mins before I can go back to sleep. I had originally said that I would give it 3 months and then reevaluate, but the thought of doing it for 2 more months makes me want to cry. On the other hand, I know how beneficial breastmilk is for them and I know I would regret giving up.
Any words of encouragement/advice would be appreciated. Thank you for reading my vent. I apologize for punctuation errors, im writing this on my phone.
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