
Supply decreases in evening??

It seems that my supply seems to get less and less as the day goes on.  Is this normal?  I can often pump quite a bit in the am, however, in the evenings I feel like I am literally "empty" and my LO gets really fussy at the breast and I end up needing to give him a bottle.  When I pump, I will get maybe 3-4 oz (after pumping 25 minutes) and he would eat more than this (probably 6 oz) so I know he won't be getting enough when I breastfeed. I hate to always need to give him a bottle in the evenings.  We have had issues with him latching, being fussy breastfeeding, etc. so I want to maintain a routine as I am worried he won't want to at all which would make night feedings difficult.

This is how my pumping/BF looked yesterday:

4 am Breastfeed

6:30 am 10 oz

10 am 6 oz

1:30 pm 4 oz

4:30 pm 4 oz

8:30 pm 3 oz (feeding would be around this time)

Anyone have any suggestions?  I try to stay hydrated and I am taking Fenugreek already.  I think I had an oversupply previously (would always pump 6-8 oz plus), but I think it has gone away now!!

Thanks in advance!! 

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