
9 month old up every 2-3 hours to nurse..

So my 9 month old has decided over the past 1.5 months to become the world's WORST sleeper.

She is super distracted during the day, and I know that is impacting how much she is nursing. She is getting up every 2-3 hours on average at night to nurse. She'll nurse for at least 10 minutes (which is long for her) and go right back down.

 Last night this is what happened:

8:30 p.m.- bedtime

10:30- up to nurse, right back down 

11:30- up to nurse, right back down 

12:45. up to nurse, right back down 

2:00 up to nurse, right back down 

9:00 a.m.- I had to wake her up for an appt.


Are there any suggestions besides trying to get her to nurse more during the day? She is EBF, but is on solids 2X a day.


TIA from a very tired mama! 

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