
I made it to a year and I'm done!

DS will be 1 in 9 days and I'm done BF!  I have a freezer full of BM that will get DS into January and was also able to donate 525+ ounces!  I have done a very slow wean dropping 1 session/week and am officially done!  I thought I was done last Wednesday, but then woke up super full and uncomfortable on Saturday and let DS nurse for 1 minute/side.  It seems like my body has adjusted very well and I'm officailly done!  I'm so happy to have made it a year!  We had issues in the beginning and pumping while working 40+ hours a week was SUPER tough, but I'm so glad we made it!!  :)

Thank you to everyone on this board who answered my questions, calmed my fears, etc. during the past year!  I couldn't have done it without your (and DH's!!) support!

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