
moms still pumping, please help!

I have been successful at bf'ing my lo thus far, but the last few days she is REJECTING the boob! (she is 10.5 months) I don't understand :( She'll take a bottle just fine. However, I can only pump about half of what she actually wants in a day, though when she nurses she seems to be completely satisfied. So I believe that I am just not getting as much with the pump as she would get. I have a stash of frozen, but not much.

 Basically the only time she will let me nurse her is first thing in the morning... So my question is for those of you who are still pumping do you have any tricks to get more milk while pumping??? I pumped this mid morning feeding and got an ounce and a half :( So i supplemented with frozen. If I can't up my supply we're gonna have to be switching to WCM a little early... which is ok, I just hate to give it up if there's something I haven't tried! TIA

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