
Weaning is awful :(

I have nursed by daughter for 14 months now, we are down to only 2 times per day - first thing in the morning and before bed.  We haven't nursed in the evening before dinner in about 2 months and she still gets VERY upset around that time every night and is virtually inconsolable.  Now it is clear that I am just not making much milk anymore.  She will latch on and eat some but there isn't enough to satisfy her.  If I nurse her she screams, if I don't nurse her she screams - it is a lose lose situation.  Nothing I offer her helps, she just shakes her head "NO"and pushes her cup away with her hand.  It is awful.  Breastfeeding was really hard in the beginning but being able to do it for her for so long has been wonderful.  I hate for it to have such a sad ending.

 Any advice or things that have helped other moms?

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