
Sleep schedule for 4.5 week old

My LO is 4.5 weeks old, and we have no kind of schedule whatsoever. I'm off work through the beginning of March, and my husband has been off work this whole time but goes back on 12/31, so we need to start figuring out some kind of schedule.

We work around what LO feels like doing, which right now has led us to going to bed anywhere from 5am to 10am (yes - *going to* bed at those times). He is EBF except for the times when he is extremely fussy and I seem to not have any more milk to give, then he gets a bottle of pumped milk after nursing. Last night he took 4 oz in pumped milk after 1.5 hours of major fussing (chomping and tugging at my nipples). Since he was so upset, the bottle feedings took a really long time as well, which led to me getting in bed at 8am (post-nursing attempts) and not actually getting to sleep until 11am when he was finally calm. Once he's asleep "for the night" (whatever time "night" starts here), he can sleep for at least 4 hours in 1 stretch, and occasionally 5-6 hours, so I'm not concerned in that regard.

During the day he will usually eat about every 1 hour 30 mins to 2 hours, fed on demand. He will sometimes nurse every 45 minutes, but there isn't consistency as to what time of day he will do this.

In reading this board, it seems like most of you, even with LOs younger than mine, already have them on a schedule. Not meaning that you require them to eat at certain times, but rather that they have a "before bed" feeding, a "MOTN" feeding, and a "first feeding of the day". With mine there is no such thing - there is just feeding and me going with the flow for whatever timeframe that means.

How did you get it such that you have these more proper hours for an EBF baby fed on demand? Note that I do not think this is day/night inversion, as the time that he goes to sleep "for the night" has been all over the place, and it just happens to be that right now his hours look more like day/night inversion. I don't really mind the erratic schedule right now since I have nothing else going on, but it will be a problem when my husband goes back to work. TIA!

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